Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99 ~ Your Story, Your Life

Just like our finger prints, each person's story, life, situations, feelings, and experiences are totally different, unique to one's self. However, we take great comfort in knowing and feeling that we are not alone. Some people create wonderful, meaningful, deep friendships with people that have gone through similar things and felt the same things. Not only can this be a great feeling, but in some cases a live saver.

Sometimes we got through an experience or have a thought, feeling or vision and we wonder if it was real. Then we seek out other people that have had the same thing so we can have validation and in some cases know we are not alone. We want to know that it is real. We need to learn to trust our instincts and our selves, but it is nice to get validation. 

When we need that extra help, trust in the fact that support groups help. And remember this, you may not need the support group as much as someone in the support group needs you.

Why Do Support Groups Work?http://www.livestrong.com/article/243403-why-

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