Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 90 ~ Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of healing. Archangel Raphael can help with healing you mind, body, and soul. You can even ask Archangel Raphael to help you find the perfect doctor for your situation.

You can ask Archangel Raphael to help your loved ones as well. For Archangel Raphael, no request is too small. Ask him for help with a headache or the sniffles for your children. Make sure to ask for help. 

Doctors, nurses, healers, etc should all ask Archangel Raphael to be with them each and everyday. He can help with all healing and healers.

Healing Miracles Of Archangel Raphael

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 89 ~ Archangel Michael

There are many Archangels and they are talked about in almost every sacred text. One of the main Archangels is Archangel Michael. Michael is the great protector. When you ask, he will come and protect you from whatever you feel you need protection from. Invite him into you car each and every time you drive anywhere for a safe trip. You can even ask Archangel Michael to protect you from those around you whether they are in a vehicle or not. 

Archangel Michael will also shield you from negativity if you ask. Negative energy has some really armful effects if you don't deal with it, but Archangel Michael can protect you from negativity energy so you don't have to worry about it.

If you are having bad dreams or a reoccurring nightmare, then you can ask Archangel Michael to help you get rid of them. Just try it once and see how powerful he is.

8 Ways To Recognize Archangel Michael

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 88 ~ It's Magic

Miracles are things that happen against all odds, or at least when something happens that we thought couldn't. Magic is what happens when someone learns how to move things faster that our eyes and brain can keep up with. If you don't try to analyze either, they can make you very happy. Watch this video I came across just for the smile it can bring to your face.

Magic Kissing Card Trick

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 87 ~ Happiness

Sometimes, happiness can come with the most simple of gestures. I've noticed lately that all kinds of people change everything when they get a smile from me. It is almost like people are waiting for the mean person or afraid everyone they encounter is going to be mean. So, when they see a smile and get a 'hi' from me it is the all clear sign. I can't tell you how many strangers in the past week just opened up and started talking, smiling, and laughing with me just because I smiled first. That is the biggest thing, smiling first. It isn't hard and there are many, many people out there that just want to be nice or just want people to be nice to them. So try it, just a smile.

An Exercise On Happiness: Physiology Of A Smile -

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 86 ~ Eyes Closed

I have talked in the past about meditation and talking to your angels. Now I want to talk about how to meditate and listen to your angels. The first thing is that you need to close your eyes. Sounds like a simple thing but it can be scary to some people. They are scared of what they see when they close their eyes and some people are scared of what might happen to them psychically if they close their eyes. So let go of the fear, close your eyes and relax.

When we close our eyes, we shut off that sensory part of our brain so that other parts of the brain can work better. Sometimes your brain still sees the darkness of the back of the eye lids, but you need to let that thought go. Think of it as an outdoor movie screen and you are in a car that is going in reverse. The dark screen is getting smaller and now you can focus on other things. Thoughts come in and out. You may take note of these thoughts, but then let them go. Notice any feelings you have or any colors that you might see. It all have meaning. The more you do this, the more you will see and the easier it gets.

Most people say that they have too much going on to meditate or they can't shut off their brain to meditate, I know because I was one of them. But now, it has become easy for me. Actually, you have all probably done some meditation. Daydreaming is a form of meditation.

Now that you are asking your angels for help and you understand a little more about meditation, you can listen to your angels and hear what they have to say. Angels communicate in many different ways. Most of the time it is through feelings but they will send you messages in many different ways to get your attention. So after you've asked a question, pay attention. They will be answering you.

How To Hear Your Angels

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 85 ~ Controlling Fear

Lately I've been really drawn to the song, "Home" by Phillip Phillips. I hear it everywhere and it has taken on another deeper meaning to me than just the surface lyrics which are listed here:


Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave (wave) is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo. Oo-oo-oo-oo [x2]
Aaa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa. Aa-aa-aa-aaaaaa [x4]

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo. Ao-oo-oo-oo [x4]
Aaa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa. Aa-aa-aa-aaaaaa [x4]

While researching this song and its meaning I actually saw the video and learned that he was a contestant on American Idol, which I never watch. I couldn't help but feel proud for him. I'm excited to see what he writes next.

The lyrics say, "Don't pay no mind to the demons they fill you with fear", and this can't be more true. That is their job here. To fill us with fear and doubt. Why? Because if you have fear and doubt in your heart, then you will not fulfill your destiny. We have free will to choose our paths, to make our own destiny, but with fear and doubt, we usually end up not making the right choices. Let me tell you how clear your choices become and what positive direction you should go when you let go of fear and doubt.

"The trouble, it might drag you down", we all make mistakes, but that doesn't mean that you have chosen a path of darkness for all time. If trouble has gotten the best of you then this is the time to seek help. Sometimes it can be from friends and family, it can be from strangers, but most of the time you should seek the help of the Divine. Especially your angels that love you, are there only for you, and desperately want to help you. Because of free will, they cannot do anything until you ask. All you have to do is think you need help from your angels and they will come!

I can probably go on with this song, but the last line I'm going to talk about is, "Just know you are not along, Cause I'm gonna make this place your home", which can have so many different meanings. But none of us are ever truly along. We all have the Divine love, our angels, and our soul that is with us, helping us, guiding us, and helping us to make this place our little individual piece of home.

Controlling Your Fear -

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 84 ~ Help From Everywhere

Sometimes when we need help and ask our angels for it, help may come but not in the form we thought. I'm sure that is what this woman thought when her prayers were answered.

Orca, The Diaper Changing Dog

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 83 ~ Nature's Wonder

I know the weather has been crazy in a lot of areas this past year, but it can be wonderful and gorgeous as well. I have two links for you today, one is from the weather and the other is the photographer's website that was highlighted with weather These are stunning images. They will take your breath away.

Stunning Turquoise Ice On Ancient Lake -

Alex El Barto Trofimov -

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 82 ~ Helping

Sometimes we need to help those that cannot help themselves and that includes animals. Mother Earth can only do so much and then we need to take things into our own hands. I'm so thankful that the younger generations are getting that.

Boy Saves Cat From Bullies

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 81 ~ Reflections

So, not only has Spring begun, but it is my birthday today and I've been reflecting on the past year, which is something we should all do every once in a while anyway. I am so amazed at how much has happened, how much I've learned, and how fast it has gone by! I am thankful for all the wonderful new people that come into my life and sadden by those that are gone.

The article that I have for today is a good thing for reflections but it also touches on the Spring Cleaning post I made about two weeks ago.

Clean Out The Mental Clutter

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 80 ~ Nothing Is A Coincidence

The world is a wonderful and beautiful place, if you stop long enough to step out of your current situation and look at it as a whole. There is a Grand Design to everything. Even though we have free will to make our own choices, we will eventually end up making the right one because it "feels" right. 

I will be sharing with you three links today, I know, what a treat. :) These links are all related, and they have to do with the fact that nothing is exactly a coincidence. The first link is the actual story I have for you. The second link is to the original posting of this story and the amazing stories that are similar that many people have shared, if you can get past all the idle chatter in between the amazing stories. And the third one is actually a link from one of the comments to a website with similar amazing "not a coincidence" type stories. As you enjoy reading these, think back on your past. I actually have one of these stories as well, and I'm willing to bet we all do even if we haven't realized it yet.

One Couple's Story Of Serendipity

Original Story And Comments

Coincidence Stories

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 79 ~ Tolerance

I was sort of shocked by the following article I found today but after reading it, I totally understood. Kind of gives a new meaning to the phrase, "can't we just all get along".

Christians Share St. John's Episcopal Church In Scotland With Muslims

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 78 ~ Stressed

After years of teaching I've learned something myself, a little stress can be a good thing. Having that sense of urgency can help us to get things done. I've seen an increasing trend with students not doing work and not getting things done.

Make Stress Work For You

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 77 ~ Connections

You should never stop trying to make connections with people and the connections you do have you should try to make them stronger. How do you do that you ask, by communicating. Listening and responding in verbal or written communication with people. That is how you form bonds and make some stronger. You could be in a relationship with your soul mate and have been together for 25 years, and can still make that connection stronger by simply communicating honestly with them. 

The article I have for you today may not have been one that I totally agreed with at first, but after reading it for a short bit I realized that it made a lot of sense and maybe we should sit back and take a closer look at all of our connections.

Human Connections Start With A Friendly Touch

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 76 ~ Patty's Day

Many people go out to the bars and drink as celebrating the day. I wonder how many people know the reason why we go out drinking. Traditionally, the day is to celebrate Christianity coming to Ireland. Since March 17 is usually during lent, and drinking is traditionally prohibited during lent, for St. Patrick's Day the prohibition was lifted for the day to celebrate. 

St. Patrick's Day

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75 ~ A Bit Of Comedy

Yes, laughter is the bet medicine. I wanted to share this next clip not only because it is funny but the kid is talented and smart.

Princesses After Ever After

Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 74 ~ Miracles From The Young

We have seen how miracles are happening everyday. They can be preformed by anyone, angels, God, humans, and even little people, meaning children. This wonderful story shows how smart children can be, sometimes smarter than many adults. That is because we forget to keep calm, we forget of the many smarts and talents we have as children. 

Two Boys Help To Save A Baby

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 73 ~ Soul Connections

We have all felt it, a deep down, 'I KNOW this person' feeling. Some people have them more as a child than an adult and some people may have forgotten that feeling. There are certain people in this world that we are connected to on a soul level. Lots of times our soul connections are family members and people in close proximity but there are times that a person can be a soul connection that we 'find' later.

Facebook Friends Find Our They Are Family

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 72 ~ Still Finding Miracles

When I started this blog, I did not realize just how many miracles I would find. They are happening all the time! People who say miracles don't happen anymore are just blind or refuse to see it. Don't forget, unanswered prayers can be miracles too.

Boy Survives Fall

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 71 ~ Lending A Hand

Sometimes we can learn a lot for the animal kingdom. I've seen a lot of this kind do sharing and helping lately both in the animal world as well as in humanity, especially in the last year. There are many stories of one breed of animal taking in an orphan from another breed. Maybe the animals are taking after us and learning from us or maybe we are seeing more tolerance in the world because we have acceptance in our hearts and we can view more acceptance in the world. Either way, it is wonderful to see and share.

Blind Dog Eddie Has Own Seeing Eye Dog

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 70 ~ Make A Difference

It doesn't matter how small your gesture is, it can make a big difference in someone's life. The story I have for you today came from an email I received today. The last line said "Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal, their world is changed forever" and I knew that this is a lesson we can all learn from and strive for.

Soldier Saves Squirrel, Now His Best Friend -

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 69 ~ Pay It Forward Again

Here is yet another story of how people are paying it forward. Remember, you don't need to give money to be paying it forward even though this is what people refer to the most. You can give your time which is pretty valuable to some. You can also give knowledge or you can give your heart, there are many ways to pay it forward. The point is, you do an act of kindness without saying 'what's in it for me' or 'what do I get out of it'. I've also heard 'no one would that for me' or 'why should I help, no one ever helps me'. And to that I say 'have you given people a reason to help' or 'look back at what has happened to your family'. Most of the time, many of the complainers have been helped many times. They just don't see it because they are consumed by their own misery. There are many times that you may have been given clothes from someone that doesn't want anything in return or, you may have had someone help you work on your house, on your car, or in your garden, and they never asked for anything in return. I bet, if you sit down and really think about it you can remember many times where you had people 'pay it forward' to you already. Have you paid it forward lately? Maybe the universe has been waiting for you to pay it forward for a long time.

Parents Of Sick Little Girl Give Away Money To Boy With Cerebral Palsy -

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 68 ~ Spring Cleaning

Spring is near, and with it comes Spring Cleaning. Some people look at this with happy thoughts and some with dread. Cleaning is really healthy for the soul. You are actually making yourself happy and getting rid of the clutter which makes you happy.

This year, with your Spring Cleaning, clean up other aspects of your life too. Clean out your Facebook and Twitter accounts of people you really don't talk to. Release the friendships that are not doing you good. Examine your relationships with others and keep those that make you happy but stop hanging around and talking to those that are miserable. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but you need to surround yourself with people that are good for you. We cannot rescue everyone and if you are friends with someone that you are trying to fix or help but they really don't want to be fixed or helped then you are fighting a losing battle.

Spring Cleaning For The Soul

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 67 ~ Social Media

Who said social media is not a good thing? It was used to make a little boy very happy! 

Boy Reunited With His Lost Stuffed Bunny

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 66 ~ Friendship

Fifth First Dates is one of my favorite movies because of the patience and compassion shown in this movie. Here is a story about a great friend that does a similar act of kindness. 

Helpful Letter to ICU Patient

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 65 ~ The Awe of Children

Children are so amazing! They inspire me when I see one go through something like having cancer and being so positive. Many adults have never had to worry about it and when they do, they do not have the same attitude. 

The video I found is so inspiring! It brought tears to my eyes.

Little Boy's Heartwarming Message

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 64 ~ Miracles Happen Everyday

Miracles are still happening everyday but they are getting pasted along nor are they being called miracles. I have been hearing about and reading about kids and adults curing themselves from AIDS and/or the HIV virus. It has been said that AIDS was given to man-kind to end all diseases. There are many stories of kids being born with the HIV virus but by their second birthday there is no trace if it in their bodies.

There are also kids being born and they never get sick, not even the sniffles. So maybe there is some truth to no more diseases.

Baby Born With HIV Appearently Cured, Scientists Say

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 63 ~ Years Of Devotion

This article really struck a cord in me today! It was so full of love and devotion. They really show the meaning of unconditional love but more importantly devotion to each other. You can have devotion to someone without being married to them as well. There are many people in our lives that we devote time to or our help to. Make sure to always remember them and give time to those who deserve our time and don't waste your time on those who do not deserve it.

The Notebook In Real Life

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 62 ~ Patience

They say 'Patience is a Virtue' but anyone with kids knows that patience can be warn thin very fast. When your patience is gone you tend to do or say things you don't mean and it can be very hurtful. So you need to leave the situation that is causing your patience to be drained before it is gone altogether. 

Five Ways To Learn How To Be Patient

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 61 ~ Wishes Come True

With this article, we have many people helping to make a dying man's wishes come true. He is truly making the most of everyday. We should all live everyday to the fullest!

Donors Help Dying Man Take Wife On Honeymoon

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 60 ~ Forgiveness

You need to forgive! NOT for the other person or other people involved, but for YOU! Forgiveness is actually not about anyone else but you. The other person or people don't even need to know that you have forgiven. Just the act of forgiving or allowing yourself to forgive will start the healing process for you.

And let's not forget the act of forgiving yourself! Remember, God, the one creator, your angels, etc., have already forgiven you for whatever you may have done before you even did it. That is how much they love you!

Sometimes it is hard to forgive, especially when you feel it is not fair to just forgive. What they did was unforgivable! But I'm not saying to need to be around that person anymore nor do you need to run over to them and give them a great big hug! No, just in your mind, to yourself, say you forgive them. Let it go. Give the pain, anger, resentment, hate, fear, and whatever other negative feelings you have about the situation to God, the one creator, and/or your angels. You can either do this in your head or act it out (but I'd rather you do it in your head), write the situation on a balloon along with all the feelings you have had about it in the past. Then release the balloon and watch it go higher and higher until it fades away. This symbolizes you letting it go and releasing it to the higher powers that be.

Think about it, is it really FAIR that you still have to carry around all those feelings about the situation? NO! You deserve to let it go! You deserve to be free of it so please, forgive and release it!

Forgiveness: Letting Go Of Grudges and Bitterness