Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 59 ~ My Awakening

Yesterday I talked about spiritual awakenings. My spiritual awakening came last September. I went to an Angel Reading which is sort of like tarot cards and my reading said I will be getting into Energy Healing. And I did just that. I learned about Reiki Healing and now I practice it. I also give others Angel Readings as well now. I've learned to trust my instincts with the cards and I know how to read them for other people.

When I was first going to go to my Angel Reading in September I was supposed to go with my three sisters. Something ended up coming up for all but one and I had this feeling that I need to go whether or not any of my other sisters went. I learned so much about these types of spiritual happenings and about myself in one night. It was so enlightening!

What is an Angel Reader?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 58 ~ Awakening

What exactly is an awakening? Awakening, in this day and age, means becoming aware spiritually. Learning and starting to use a sort of sixth sense we are all born with and because of fear and society we are made to believe it doesn't exist. There are spiritual awareness awakenings that are so strong people say it is magical, a miracle, or it can simply be special. So what is your awakening going to be like? What hidden talents are you going to see manifest and learn how to use?

 9 Essential Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening -

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57 ~ Being Happy

One big topic is about getting happy and being happy. You either are happy and are wondering when the floor is going to drop or you want desperately to become happy. Everything that I've heard, read, and learned is that every year after 2012 is supposed to be of love, light, and yes, happiness. We as a human race are becoming enlightened, awakening to our higher selves, and becoming happy, positive with no strings attached. It is possible to be happy without any consequences. Just allow yourself to be truly happy. It is okay to be happy, it is okay to be loved, it is okay to truly love yourself. This kind of love and happiness is not selfish, bad, or wrong. Let go of the fear of something bad happening and embrace happiness, embrace love, embrace self love! Truly learn how to BE! Learn how to love, and yes, learn how to be happy.

Let go of that dark cloud you love to hold onto. It is only hurting you in the long run. That cloud, replace it with a bright ray of sunshine. See the light, feel the light, embrace the light! Let the love of the one creator in. Let the love of your angels in. This is the first love you should embrace. This is how you begin to love yourself and be happy. Let their love guide you and show you the way.

It may take some time to let the one creator and his angels love you but they never stopped. What is taking time is your mind letting the love that has always been there in. It is okay to take your time, as long as you let your guard down and let it in. Once you truly feel it, you will never let it go!

Face-Planting Toddler Doesn't Want To Nap

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56 ~ Get What You Want

Getting what you really want out of life maybe easier than you think. Depending on where you are in life, using positive thought and affirmation might be easy or difficult to do. When you are younger, it is much easier to learn and practice this technique than when you are older. Sometimes when we are older, our own thoughts can sabotage what we truly desire. If this is happening to you, then it would be best for you to really think about what you want, write it down, then read it out loud to yourself. With practice, or if you are younger, you can just think about what you really want and it will happen.

How to Use Affirmations to Manifest Your Desires -

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55 ~ Doggie Rescue

What compassion it takes to rescue a dog in freezing conditions. Many would just leave the dog and maybe hope that it all works out. I wonder how the dog got on the floating ice in the first place.

Brave Fisherman Rescues Dog -

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 54 ~ Laughter is the Best Medicine

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is watch something funny. There is a lot of very funny videos on the Internet so really just pick one and watch it. Here I have a video of Jimmy Fallon and Michelle Obama showing the Evolution of the Mom Dance.

Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon's 'Evolution of Mom Dancing' -

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53 ~ All You Need Is Love

Love is a universal feeling and really the only feeling you need. In the article I have for you today there is a study says you need love in order to have good health.

HeartMath: A Change of Heart Changes Everything -

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 52 ~ Being In The Present

Have you ever heard the saying, "the present is a gift so treasure it". Ever really stop to wonder what that means? What if everything we are ever going to do has already been laid out for us and we are just here in the present to experience those choices. Then the present is a gift makes a bit more sense. We are meant to experience every moment in OUR lives because every moment was meant for only us. No one else is meant to have the exact same life as we are so we need to savor every moment for they will only be known to us.

Power of the Present -

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 51 ~ Yoga Anyone

Don't knock it until you've tried it. Yoga has been around for a very long time. Basically it is a form or stretching but you can also work on quieting your mind which can do a world of good for your mind/body/soul! 

Doctor Says Studying Yoga Should Be A National Priority -

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50 ~ Strangers Helping Out

The testament of true character is when you are faced with risking your won life to save a stranger. These three men did just that.

Three Men Jump On The Subway Tracks To Save A Stranger -

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 49 ~ Cuteness

Sometimes we just need to sit back and take a look at all of God's creatures. Here is a video showcasing some of the cutest ones.

Too Much Cuteness -

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48 ~ Random Acts of Kindness

I'm always talking about paying it forward and random acts of kindness and this world is full of loving humans who just want to make someone's day. The other day my neighbor said how the woman in the car in front of hers at the drive thru paid for her order. She just said to pay it forward someday. 

Pay It Forward Valentine Gift -

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47 ~ Community

You need to always be kind to those around you, especially in you neighborhood. In a disaster or in times of need you my really need them.

Kindness of Neighbors -

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46 ~ Love Without Fear

So yesterday I talking about loving because it was Valentines Day and today I want to talking about loving without fear. Love openly, love often and love without fear. Loving openly doesn't mean displaying affection in public. It means that you allow yourself to love no matter what. Don't be afraid of being hurt because you really can't get hurt when you love openly. Loving openly means that you love someone without worrying or even caring if it is returned. 

Love Without Fear -

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 ~ Loving

Today is a traditional day expressing love. For me and my family, it is like Amy other day. This is because we express love everyday as if it was Valentines Day or Sweetest Day. Love is a universal feeling and the only feeling that really matters. It shouldn't be held back or only expressed on one or two days a year. Could you imagine what this world would be like if everyone held Christmas in their hearts all year long! 

Love should be shouted from the top of a building everyday. You will feel much better and those around you will too! Express how you love those around you. Hold love in your eyes. Jump in with you heart wide open! The more open you heart is, the more love you can receive. 

One lesson to learn is to make sure to love yourself! Maybe use Valentines Day and Sweetest Day to give yourself a loving treat. Take the day off, get a massage, go on a cruise, do something for yourself you normally wouldn't do because after all, loving yourself is one of the most positive things you can do for those around you!

History: The True Story of Valentines -

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 44 ~ Stealing the Show

Kids can sometimes get away with so much. But it is nice to know the people can still have patience. Just having a little patience can really help get rid of anxiety, anger, and stress.

Toddler Steals the Show -

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43 ~ Heart Felt Tribute

Typically I don't watch award shows, but I happened to see the Grammys this year and they had about a five minute tribute to all those that where either in the music industry or influenced music and had passed this last year. It was a bit long, but it seemed like someone really took the time to find all those throughout the world that passed and was in the music industry. After watching the whole thing I really thought it was great that they did that. Most tributes should be put together. Good job Grammys!

Grammys Awards 2013: In Memoriam -

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42 ~ Being Connected

Being connected can mean so many different things but I can't think of any of them being bad. There is much power in being connected. For instance if you are connected in business then thou have many resources to turn to when needed. If you are connected to the Internet and you use it then you are connected to a great wealth of knowledge. If you are connected to spirit then you have a great inner peace. So I say get and stay connected in as many ways as possible.

The up and coming generation has been more connected than any of us have had. Use that to your advantage. Don't listen to the media if they are telling you one thing but you vast connections are telling you something else. And above all else, trust your instincts and your higher self!

The Power of Being Connected -

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41 ~ Honesty

Sometimes honesty isn't for those around us, but for ourselves. We are honest to keep our conscience clean and our karma in check. Remember what we do comes back to us ten fold so do you want to be robbed later on down the road because you kept some money you found, I think not. It's best to just be honest about things in your life.

Janitor's Amazing Dicsovery in Casino Bathroom -

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40 ~ Everlasting Love

Hopefully we can all find that one person who can love us unconditional and that lasting love. When the end comes nearer to us, it is inevitable that we will pass on. I hope you all go in a loving peaceful way with family that love you surrounding you.

Unexpected Letter From An ER Doctor -

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39 ~ Massage A Month

I do not understand why health insurance companies do not cover massages! It is so beneficial to your health and one of the best preventative care measures you can do for yourself. We, as a society, need to stop thinking the massages are only for the rich or is a nice thing as a once a year treat. Find a masseuse that is right for you and get your health back on track. If anything you need to get rid of the stress that everyday life piles up on you.

Massage: It's Real Medicine -

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38 ~ Amazing Story of Compassion

Today's students are going to be the ones running the show tomorrow and the story I have today makes me feel safe in those youngster's hands. I definitely hope to see many more stories like this!

Flipper The Cat Saved By High School Students -

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 ~ Beautiful Gifts

Sometimes are talents can produce the most beautiful gifts for someone and without even trying we have changed their life. Some people get to see that first hand and some may never see that their gifts change lives. Hopefully you will all get to see the benefits of your gifts.

Two Strangers Create The Ultimate Hand For A Boy Without Fingers -

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 36 ~ Treat The Cause

All too often either we or our doctors seem to just treat the symptoms we have with meds. We need to figure out what the cause of our symptoms are and then treat that. If we took less meds and took the time to really figure out what is causing the symptoms we would save a lot of money, heartache, and pain! Sometimes I think people end up getting cancer because they only treat the symptoms and not the cause.

When your foot hurts does it make sense to go to a regular doctor or a foot doctor? It makes more sense to go to the guy who specializes in feet. When your back hurts, what does a regular doctor do? They give you pain killers and a muscle relaxer. What does that do except mask the pain and allowing your brain to think it is healed which can cause more damage. A chiropractor will treat the cause fixing the problem.

So next time you have aches and pains, stop and try to figure out the cause before you treat the symptoms. Use your family, friends, or even I can try to help but you should have an idea of a cause before you go to the doctor. Remember, some of them get paid a lot of money from the pharmacy companies to "push" their drugs.

Treat The Cause, Not The Symptom -

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 ~ Kind, Loving, Selfless Acts

We need more high profile people doing kind, loving, selfless acts like in the story I'm providing for you today. These are the stories that get the most attention and will show the world that there are more positive people in this world than negative. We just need to seek them out rather than dwell on the negativity.

Movie Star At Super Bowl To Support Michael Oher -

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34 ~ Total Cuteness

Today is all about cuteness! The article and video I'm going to post is one of the cutest I've seen. Enjoy and smile!

Baby Panda Diagnosed With Acute Cuteness -

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33 ~ Groundhog's Day

I've never gotten up early to hear what a groundhog says about the seasons, but this is such a cute tradition that I love hearing about. This year is special for me since it is the first one that I can remember that the groundhog predicted an early Spring! So exciting. Some traditions I do not understand and I don't understand why cultures and individuals keep them but there are some traditions that are just fun. So if something is fun or feels right, then keep doing it! Start you own traditions that you can pass on to the next generations.

Groundhog Day 2013: Punxsutawney Phil Does Not See His Shadow -

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32 ~ Get Happy

All to often people are just unhappy and don't know why. Many times it is based on the choices of your career path. There are many life path coaches out there that can help with that. Sometimes just getting happy helps, especially in the winter months. If you would like to email me, I could help you too.

Dealing with Depression -