Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120 ~ Fate

I know some people do not believe in fate, but it believes in you. You cannot out run your fate, it will catch up to you. So will your actions. If you do and say good things, then good things WILL happen to you. If you say and do bad things, then bad thing will happen to you. But sometimes, we are put into bad situations, because we are the ones chosen to bring about the best possible scenario.

Indiana Bus Driver Angel Perry Saves 11 Children From Approaching Tornadohttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/indiana-bus-driver-saves-kids-during-tornado_

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119 ~ Nature Is Beautiful

Today I have chosen an article that brings to you ten of the most beautiful places to view a sunset. Sometimes, we really need to slow down and simply watch a sunset. It is peaceful and it allows your mind to wind down and get the rest it needs. So enjoy this wind down of images but make sure to catch the real thing!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 118 ~ Follow Your Instincts

So many times you hear 'trust your instincts', but now you need to learn to follow them without hesitation. They will save you time, keep you out of trouble, and save you money! I am happy to say that my husband followed his instincts yesterday and he not only saved himself and friends time but a lot of money too.

Avoid Pain, Maximize Successhttp://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/prescriptions-life/201202/avoid-

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117 ~ Awe So Cute

Sometimes just pausing and viewing something cute brightens and lifts our spirits. Here is an article and some images that are just so cute.

Baby Sloth Pile Filled With Teddy Bearshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/26/baby-sloth-pile_n_3165170.html?utm_

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 116 ~ Global Effects

I know it a been a little while since the tragedy in Boston and I don't want to bring that up, but the article I found for today is a nice one. Imagine being in London getting ready for a marathon and it gets completely silent. I bet it was very energetically charged there that day.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 115 ~ Honesty Is The Best Policy

The article today shows that even though we may make bad choices from time to time, we can still make up for it. There are ways to fix a wrong.

Bike Thief Apologyhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/24/bike-thief-apology-

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 114 ~ Future In Good Hands

I am a firm believer in getting all the facts and looking at the big picture so because of this I subscribe to a lot of different types of information. One thing I look at is the future of brightest children. Popular Science magazine named some of the brightest kids a couple of years back and I just came across an article that mentioned a couple of these kids that had presentations for Ted Talks. It is just wonderful to see where they are going and to know that our future is in there brilliant and caring hands. 

The article is about Jack Andraka, but look at all the "Ten Ideas From TED" listed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 113 ~ Cute Puppies

Okay, sometimes, you just need some cute time and this is just adorable. Makes me almost want to go get a puppy..... almost. Can you imaging going down a set of stairs head first when you were just learning to walk? Most of the time parents wouldn't let you near stairs but you can hear these "parents" pushing their "kids" down the stairs. :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 112 ~ Officer's Kindness

Sometimes I think police officers get a bad rap, but there can be such kindness. For those that are truly in for service to others I applaud you and have much respect for all of you. May Archangel Michael be with you all, always!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 111 ~ Be Grateful

Sometimes, you just need to stop and be thankful for what you have, what has happened, and how things have turned out. Instead of focusing on what could have happened, what horrible thing did happen, or what is about to happen that we are not happy about, look at the positive things and be grateful for that. 

It is hard to do at first and sometimes you feel bad that you are not acknowledging the bad things, but by honoring the good things, more good things will come. You will also feel better on the inside.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110 ~ Opportunity To Forgive

Everyone has the ability to heal themselves. For today, concentrate on healing, growing, and release the negative patterns that you have been harboring. Release any unforgiving thoughts, feelings, and energies and lift yourself to a higher place of peace and compassion. You will feel so much better! It is not that you should forget, but rather let go of the toxic negative feelings associated with these memories. It is actually easier than you think. You can visualize the bad feelings and thoughts float up to the sky by a balloon, or maybe you would rather visualize these bad feelings and thoughts just roll off your body and down deep into the ground. Either way, you need to release these feelings and open yourself to a more positive, healthier you!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 109 ~ Need A Break

Personally, I am so glad that I started this blog. There is tragedy everywhere, but there is so much good, positive, loving things that come out of it. The amount of humanity that is being shown all over the country is amazing. I just so wish that we could have this amount of humanity all the time and not because of a tragedy. 

Sometime, especially with today's technology, people get desensitized by all the images and sometimes we just need to take a step back and instead of trying to see all the horrible images from the tragedy, try looking at all the heroes and happier information that comes with it.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 108 ~ Intuition

Intuition is a real thing that the medical community talks about and society talks about when saying 'trust your gut instinct'. But what is your intuition? It is that feeling or that voice in your head that warns you about something or tells you to do something like take that new job. Intuition can be called magic or spiritualism or even miracle working, and we all can do it. We all can hear that voice and trust our gut instincts.

What Is Intitution And How Do We Use It? http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-intuitive-

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 107 ~ Way More Good

This is a question that used to weight on my mind a lot; "Is this world full of more good or bad people?" Honestly, this is ultimately the reason why I started this blog. I was plagued with the idea that the whole world was bad and we are all going down the tubes. I thought there is nothing we can do and we are doomed, BUT I was wrong!

Late last year I kept asking for signs, information, or clues to the question of whether there are more good people in this world than bad and I was overwhelmed at the numbers of people always doing good things. I kept stumbling on websites and news articles of people doing good and emails kept coming in about people doing good and more recently I've joined Facebook groups that are dedicated to doing good and there are thousands and thousands of people that are also on these groups. Basically I was being shown that the news and media concentrate on the bad to give the average everyday Joe the illusion that this world is bad. This makes you think that there is nothing you can do and you give up like I was thinking about doing. That is exactly what evil wants, but in reality, the majority of people are good. We do good deeds all the time. There are selfless acts being done everyday. The majority of people in this world are in service to others and not service to self. Everyday I am now reminded of this and that is why I write this blog. To show everyone everyday that there are way more good people in this world that bad!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 106 ~ See The Beauty In All Things

Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty. This Archangel will bring beauty to anything and every thing if you ask. She can bring beauty to your thoughts, feelings, home, office, and yourself. Like with all angels, Archangel Jophiel cannot interfere with free will so you must ask and thank her for help.

Archangel Jophiel: See Beauty In All Thingshttp://www.beliefnet.com/Inspiration/Angels/Archangel-

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 105 ~ Just Laugh

I don't know how many of you have animals now or have had animals in the past, but sometimes they are not all happy and cheery. Sometime, animals can be down right mean for no other reason than their own pleasure. They really can act like humans sometimes. :) Here is a video that brings together some of the not-so-nice moments from animals and some of these you can't help but laugh! I'm sure some of your own animals have done this as well.

Animals Can Be Jerks - Supercut Compilation 2013http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vx1OVLX5Rc

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104 ~ Healthy Living

These days we are all about eating and living healthy. So in light of that, I wanted to share an article on the healthy, natural way of getting rid of belly fat.

Six Ways To Naturally Combat Toxic Belly Fathttp://www.naturalnews.com/039872_belly_fat_weight_loss_cortisol.html

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 102 ~ Connections

Being a college professor, I meet hundreds of new people every year. After meeting thousands of people it dawned on me that when I looked into certain people's eyes there was an instant connection. Almost like a sense of knowing that person from somewhere or having seen that person before. I want to say there is a spark but that is not the right word and it implies all kinds of things that is not meant here. I'm not talking about anything romantic but just a simple connection.

Relationship Chemistry: Can Science Explain Instant Connections?http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/more-

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 101 ~ Playing Catch

I've never played catch with a cat until I got the cat I have now. He has his own cat toys, but he generally loses them under something or in the basement. It is a wonderful day for him when we move the furniture around and get the 6 cat toys out for him. Sometimes he will steal a Pom-Pom or two from one of the kids school project. They are exactly like the ones we bought for him that were actual cat toys. So I let him keep those, after all I'm not going to do anything else with the project and I usually take a picture of them when they come home. If it is too small I take it away because I don't want him eating it or choking on it.

So this cat will bring me his toy to throw. At first, I thought he was bringing it to me as a gift since cats often bring gifts, even if unwanted, to their owners. But he kept meowing at me after I picked it up, so I threw it and he was so delighted to run after it. He usually bats it away once, picks it up, and drops it at my feet to throw again. Once this gets started, it usually doesn't stop until he loses it under something or I just have to quit. The cat is better at playing catch than my dog!

Cat Playing Catchhttp://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/cat-who-plays-catch/1jrp61l7r?cpkey=

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 100 ~ Healing Properties of Crystals

I must admit when I first was introduced to crystal healing by my sister I was more than skeptical. I didn't understand it but was totally accepting of her belief in it. She had talked to me a couple of times about it but I must have given her a look like she was crazy because she stopped talking about it all together. Then, one day, when I realized there was more to this world than meets the eye, I came to her and asked her how can I protect myself from those negative things I cannot see. And with that, the door was opened! I have been researching, reading, learning, and digging in deep with the knowledge of stones and crystals and their healing powers. I've only scratched the surface but I can certainly tell you that they are working for me! Most of the time I can feel their energies all around me. So if this is your first time reading about it, I have a couple of links for you.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99 ~ Your Story, Your Life

Just like our finger prints, each person's story, life, situations, feelings, and experiences are totally different, unique to one's self. However, we take great comfort in knowing and feeling that we are not alone. Some people create wonderful, meaningful, deep friendships with people that have gone through similar things and felt the same things. Not only can this be a great feeling, but in some cases a live saver.

Sometimes we got through an experience or have a thought, feeling or vision and we wonder if it was real. Then we seek out other people that have had the same thing so we can have validation and in some cases know we are not alone. We want to know that it is real. We need to learn to trust our instincts and our selves, but it is nice to get validation. 

When we need that extra help, trust in the fact that support groups help. And remember this, you may not need the support group as much as someone in the support group needs you.

Why Do Support Groups Work?http://www.livestrong.com/article/243403-why-

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 98 ~ Happiness Is A Choice

If you start to search the Internet for happiness, and trust my, thousands and thousands of people are literally searching the Internet every day for happiness, you will find an abundance of articles, videos, step by step instructions, etc, but you will still not be happy. It is not enough to want it so badly you search the Internet for it. You need to want it so badly you search within yourself for it. After all, that is the only place you will truly find it. To make yourself happy, you need to find what really makes you happy or find those things that are blocking you from being happy and work on releasing them.

Is Happiness Really A Choice? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nitika-chopra/pursuit-of-happiness_b_

Day 97 ~ Tools For Success In Life

Well, it happened, I missed a day of blogging. It wasn't because there wasn't enough good news, on the contrary, when you actually look for good news rather than regular news you can find an abundance of positive stories. But it is because I just ran out of time. So today I will post two stories and get back on track.

Here is an article that gives you 10 tools to follow for success. One of the most important is to be true to yourself and follow your instincts. There is a reason you noticed your instincts at the moment you did, pay attention and follow the instructions.

10 Simple, But Essencial, Tools For Successhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/07/what-i-carry-10-tools-for-success_

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 96 ~ Amazing Reuniting Story

I don't know what is more amazing, but I really can't believe that an outside feral cat has lived longer that 13 years! Is this the year that all of our missing items come up found? 2013 as still only just begun and there have already been so many stories of reunions. Aunts and nieces, animals and their owners, long lost loves, so don't be surprised if you can suddenly match all your socks or the ring you lost 15 years ago appears in a location that is illogical. The Lord and our Angels work in mysterious ways! Ask and you shall receive, at least for this year. :)

Reunited With Cat 13 Years After It Disappears - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/06/dante-

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 95 ~ Make Your Soul Happy

Money can't buy happiness, but you can use it to make your soul happy. You can still make your soul happy if you don't have money as well! Volunteer, give free advice, take a can of food to the local food pantry, do your spring cleaning and donate items from your home, the list is endless.

For one Illinois man his gift to his soul is buying foreclosed homes in his town, fixing them, and selling them at cost. He does not make a profit, but his soul is certainly reaping the benefits!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 94 ~ Steps To Happiness

Sometimes we can be told over and over that we need to be happy, but still, people don't know how to do that. Maybe we need a life push, or a meaningful connection that tells us what direction to go in. What I have today is a simple step by step list that my help to bring happiness to you.

Under Pressure: 5 Smart Steps To Mellow Outhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/dee-dee-mendez/feng-shui-

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93 ~ Making Time For You

We are all very judge mental of ourselves and others. We really need to stop this but we all know people who are very self-centered and people who never take time for themselves. The key is to balance your energies towards yourself and others. Make sure you are taking time for you but not too much time that you can't see the damage it is doing to other people.

You ARE Worth Ithttp://www.healyourlife.com/author-leeza-gibbons/

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 92 ~ Passing Judgement

Do not waste your time and energy judging anyone. Ignore, as hard as it may be sometimes, those that judge you. It is not your job nor your place to pass judgement on anyone else. The only person you can judge is yourself.

People cannot escape their karma. There are evil people in the world and they will be made to work off their negative karma they built up in the physical world but you needn't burden yourself with this. Your life here is short, release negative energy built up by others and take satisfaction that they will have to work off their negative karma in the afterlife.

The Theory Of Karmahttp://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/karma.htm

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 91 ~ Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is a famous Archangel as she is the one that told Mother Mary of her impending birth of Jesus. Gabriel is the messenger angel. If you need a message to get to God or if you need to make sure you receive messages loud and clear, then Gabriel is the one to ask.

She is also the Archangel of children. If you need help with your pregnancy or getting pregnant the ask Archangel Gabriel to help. If you need to speak at an event, then Gabriel will be with you, guiding you, and giving you the words to say, if you ask. Just make sure to tell Gabriel you need your messages to be loud and crystal clear. With all that goes on in our lives, we tend to not hear or not listen. 

Sometimes our angels allow us to get sick so we are forced to slow down and listen. Next time you have a fever, pay close attention to what you see, hear, feel and learn. It could be your angels telling you to slow down. 

Archangel Gabriel Can Help Youhttp://www.healyourlife.com/author-doreen-virtue/2009/09/lifeshelp/