Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 107 ~ Way More Good

This is a question that used to weight on my mind a lot; "Is this world full of more good or bad people?" Honestly, this is ultimately the reason why I started this blog. I was plagued with the idea that the whole world was bad and we are all going down the tubes. I thought there is nothing we can do and we are doomed, BUT I was wrong!

Late last year I kept asking for signs, information, or clues to the question of whether there are more good people in this world than bad and I was overwhelmed at the numbers of people always doing good things. I kept stumbling on websites and news articles of people doing good and emails kept coming in about people doing good and more recently I've joined Facebook groups that are dedicated to doing good and there are thousands and thousands of people that are also on these groups. Basically I was being shown that the news and media concentrate on the bad to give the average everyday Joe the illusion that this world is bad. This makes you think that there is nothing you can do and you give up like I was thinking about doing. That is exactly what evil wants, but in reality, the majority of people are good. We do good deeds all the time. There are selfless acts being done everyday. The majority of people in this world are in service to others and not service to self. Everyday I am now reminded of this and that is why I write this blog. To show everyone everyday that there are way more good people in this world that bad!


  1. Hello, i saw you on the FB page "Nurture Spirit". I just want you to know that happen to be a "good person" as well..I LOVE doing random acts of keep up your faith in humanity, because there ARE good people in the world.. Light & Love

  2. :) Thank you for that! It is nice to hear!

    Love and Light ~
