Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 31 ~ Change Your Fate

No matter what situation you are born into, you can change your fate, if you have the courage. Sometimes it is the family you are born into and sometimes it is the situation you end up in. You can always just leave. Leave it all behind to change you fate.

Chanda Zaveri, Indian Girl Who Fled Arranged Marriage, 
Becomes Millionaire Entrepreneur -

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 30 ~ Never Too Late

It's never too late to do what you dream! Some people may be like me and not know what your dreams are? I always say, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up but that is for another day to discuss. Today is for all those that already KNOW their dreams but are not doing them. The excuses are, " I don't have the money", "I'm too old", "It's too late", "I don't have time", etc. These are just what they seem, excuses. Life has been giving you opportunity after opportunity do follow and do what you dream. Not is the time to just DO it. Let go of the fear of failure or success and just do it. Just be in the present with it, just enjoy it, and everything will fall into place like it is supposed to.

Living The Dream

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29 ~ Warm Your Bones

While we are in the heart of Winter and some would say bad weather it is important to remember to take care of your body and stay healthy. One of the things we need to do is make sure we take vitamin D. The sun makes this invaluable vitamin for us but in the Winter, and sometimes all year long, our body can't make the amount we need. It is best to take vitamin D3 for best absorption. You should also consult your doctor to find out how much your body needs. I've always been told that the body will get rid of what it doesn't need, but there is always a limit for anything before it starts to harm you. 

Vitamin D makes you overall feel much better. It can help take depression away, it can make you feel more awake, it can make you feel healthier. I remember when I first started to take it I felt like a totally different person.

Here is an article for you about the benefits of vitamin D.

The Healing Benefits of Sunlight and Vitamin D -

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28 ~ Crossing Over

I feel compelled to talk about what happens so your energy when you die. Death is not the end of your wonderful, beautiful journey. There is so much more to do, see, and feel. The spiritual world is just another world for us to discover or rather "remember". You have free-will in your after life as well and can make choices to do and create whatever it is that you want to do or create. If you believe you were not the best person you could have been while you were in your physical body then you might create a world for yourself that is not the best. Or you may keep yourself here on earth but in a spiritual plane. It is important to let go of any fears and doubts that may keep you here on earth. You are a beautiful soul and the creator would like you to join him in your after life. Make use of your time here on earth, enjoy, experience, and create all that you can for you have a lot more to create and do in your after life creation.

What Happens After Death? -

Death and the Afterlife

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27 ~ Balancing Your Energy

Sometimes we may feel like we are just off. We may not know why, but something isn't right. This is when you need to check your energy levels and balance them. Here is an acticle that can help you understand how to do that.

Balancing Your Energy -

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26 ~ Change for the Better

Change is very good as long as we can see a positive side to it. Whenever there is change you should always look for the positive in it. Most often, any change is positive. For instance, if your car is totaled out or the engine is cashed out without being able to be fixed, think about what could've happened. If the engine was going anyway, it could've gone out while you were driving causing a bad accident or even a death. So that means that you engine went out while you were safe. It may still be an inconvenience but it could be worse.

So we need to make 2013 more positive. Here is an article that shows us how to start!

Seven Ideas for Igniting a Brighter 2013 -

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25 ~ Interesting Study

Have you ever gotten up to go into the other room for something only to totally forget what you went in there for? This happens to many people of all ages. Check out this study:

New Study Claims That Doorways May Cause Memory Lapses -

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24 ~ Miracles Do Exist

I have heard of many, many miracles in my lifetime. I will probably be sharing a lot with you over the next year. This is one miracle that just may bring a tear to your eye so grab a tissue and read the following new article!

Mystery Doctor Saves Dying Baby With Rubber Gloves In Improvised Operation

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23 ~ Energy Healing

Have you ever felt run down and that you just don't have any "energy" to do anything? Did you ever think that energy is more than just an emotion or the food we eat? Energy is all around us. The entire universe is made up of energy! There is positive energy and there is negative energy. Have you ever talked to someone and just felt drained after the conversation? These people, whether they know it or not are draining you of your energy. Once you start learning about energy and how to control it, I promise you will have a much better day!

There are so many things we can do with energy, we can heal ourselves and others, we can protect ourselves from others with negative energy or protect ourselves from those who steal energy, and we can change the way we think with energy. People who seem to "find the silver lining" to the rain clouds are usually those who have natural positive abilities and can use the positive energy at will. Using energy is one of the most easy things to do.

Energy Healing -

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22 ~ Feeding Your Soul

With our very busy lives many of us do not stop to talk to our souls or listen to our souls. We have too much on our minds to hear what it has to say. Lots of times is it difficult for people to even try to meditate. It can actually be very relaxing and you can meditate anywhere and anyway that is comfortable to you. Personally, I don't like to sit and chant some noises. I do my meditations lying down and generally with some peaceful music that is free from words or disturbing loud noises. This works best for me in my modern chaos of a world. I have found that it is best for me to meditate in the mornings although it is not always ideal for me to be able to lay and meditate in bed in the mornings. I usually have to get up and start the day so I often do meditations in the evenings but I get the best answers in the mornings. Sometimes I have found that if I meditate about something at night but don't get an answer right away, I usually get the answer the very next morning.

So why should we meditate, well we do it to feed our soul. Most people neglect their soul but we are beings with body, mind, and soul. In order to start feeling more peace in our lives we need to start talking to and listening to our soul. You don't need to speak out loud, just think about the question and the answer often comes in the form of a random thought, feeling, or even a sign. Maybe you hear a song, take notice in an actual sign, or you read an article that actually answers your question for you. This is the soul's way of communicating with you. You just need to meditate to start talking and listening. You will be amazed at what your soul has been trying to tell you!

How to Get Started With Meditation -

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21 ~ Inspiration

There are many times in our lives when we need some inspiration. What better way to get it then to read stories of inspiring people who are "living" their lives against all odds!

Tommy Carroll, Blind Skateboarder, Shares Incredible Story In Viral Video -

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20 ~ Loyalty

Just think, if we all could be as loyal as our animals what a wonderful place it would be. Of course there is a certain level of unconditional love that comes with loyalty. We need to first love and then be loyal to the ones we love.

Ciccio, Italian Dog, Attends Mass Every Day At Dead Owner's Church -

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19 ~ Smile

Sometimes you just need to smile and laugh. These emotions release endorphins that our bodies need. It also just lifts your spirit.

Cat Meets Snow, Cannot Believe It -

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18 ~ Kindness

Kindness is an emotion we all should have freely. I spoke of anger being so easy for us to have, well kindness is just as easy if we let it. We can be kind to our kids, neighbors, strangers, whoever.

Here is an article of kindness in 2012.

The Top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012 -

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17 ~ Release the Anger

Anger is one of the easiest emotions we can have and one of the hardest to let go of. We are faced with anger everyday. Angry at traffic, our spouse, our boss, the kids, our family members, but no matter what, we need to learn to let it go!

Everyday we should wake up and say "today, I will not get angry". We can at least strive for this everyday even though we are human and realistically something will probably get us angry, but if we let it go and release the anger right away we can continue the healing process.

If you don't let go of anger it will start to manifest into physical illnesses. This can be anything from a headache to cancer. Anger as with other feeling will release certain chemicals in the body and these is what causes chaos. 

So, let go of the anger, forgive those who hurt you and release of grudges, these are slowly killing you.

The Future of Cancer Treatment -

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16 ~ The Truth

If and when you are faced with a question, you need to look within yourself to find and "KNOW" the truth. No one can tell you what the truth is or what you should believe. Only YOU can tell you what the truth is and what to believe. If you ask the question before you go to bed at night, you will eventually learn what your truth is. Once you KNOW what your truth is, it is hard to question it. Yes, you will question yourself, but this is the test to really see if you have learned your truth or not. So, what is your truth? That is between you and your soul!

Listen to your inner voice, it is your soul calling to you, telling you what your truth is. Once you start to listen, your feeling of happiness and bliss will start to come over you and once you feel that, it is an addiction and you'll want to feel that way all the time!

Cayden And Conner Long, Brothers Who Race In Triathlons Together, Win Sports Illustrated Award  -

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15 ~ The Body

The body is a natural healing machine. It is constantly trying to fix what we break everyday. Sickness and cancer happens when the body can't keep up with the daily damage we put on it. Help your body do its job by eating healthy cancer fighting foods.

Top 10 Cancer-Fighting Foods

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 14 ~ Family

Family is so important. Some people don't have family and some don't know or can't find their family. Remember to cherish your family and tell them you love them often. If any of them have wronged you remember to not only forgive them but forgive yourself. These healing steps are so very important for your overall being.

Clifford Boyson, Iowa Man, Reunites With Sister Thanks To 7-Year-Old Boy, Facebook - 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13 ~ Let's Carry It Through

These are some great and positive stories, but they are a bit old. We need to keep these positive actions going all year long. Helping the elderly, buying groceries for those in need, giving back, this shouldn't stop just because Christmas is over. People are still in need so let's still try to help.

Kansas Police Officer Derrick Hogan Gives Free Groceries To Elderly, Homebound Woman - 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12 ~ Positive Thinking

It is so much easier for us to fall into negative thinking. For one thing, there are many, many people around us everyday with negative thoughts or destructive behavior. This is almost a test for us even when we do think positively we will be tested and pushed to revert to our old ways of thinking negatively. We need to stop the cycle and continuously think positively no matter what is thrown at you.

An exercise that you can do everyday is to write down a positive thought or something positive you want to happen that day, week, or even year. Then re-read these throughout the day, week, month, and year so that these positive things will become reality.

I actually have two acticles for you today even though I could have listed many for this subject is a large one and many people believe in the power of positive thinking because it has worked for them.

Stress Management -

The Power Of Positive Thinking -

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 11 ~ Good Deeds

One thing that I definitely want to accomplish with this blog is to remind everyone to think positive and keep the Christmas spirit all year long. This article is a very positive one even though it is from a few weeks ago. We need to do what we can to keep our spirits up as well as those around us.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10 ~ Helping Others

In today's world, I can't help but ask myself would I help a stranger in need, no questions asked and no "what's in it for me". I'd like to say yes but I suppose it depends on the situation. For instance, I don't know if I would be able to give a kidney to one of my students (and legally I don't think I can which is a whole other issue that needs to be addressed in this country) but I know it would have to depend. There are some that I would say yes without hesitation and others where I just don't know based on many factors. So I wish I could say yes no matter what, I'm just not sure I can yet. Seems like something I need to work on for myself. :)

College Coach Donates Kidney to Baseball Player - 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 9 ~ Let Go Of Fear

Recently I was faced with a decision that was heavily influenced by fear; fear of the unknown, fear of harm, fear of failure. But I decided to do it anyway and I received an awesome gift. I felt the most awesome peace I have ever left. I wish I could bottle it up and give it to everyone so you all can experience this wonderful feeling.

My analysis for it is this: when I was faced with the decision it was like I was being held over a swirling black vortex and I was holding onto a rope. As soon as I let go and went through the vortex, I found myself on the most peaceful beach at sunset. There was no breeze, it was not hot, it was not cold, there was only the most awesome deep peace you could ever feel. Now I often go to this place when I need to relax or collect my thoughts. I wish you all a peaceful beach!

12 Steps to Make a Dream a Reality - 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8 ~ Time

Time is relative, but relative to what. It is relative to the situation. When there is no time or time seems to stand still, we are at that moment meant to be in the present. It is generally at that moment that we sometimes need to think fast or outside the box. Thanks to some quick thinking of these boaters a situation didn't get any worse.

See How A Speedboat Puts Out Fire -

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7 ~ Kindness

I hope that we have all at least seen random acts of kindness if we have not in fact been on the receiving end of one. We should all strive to show acts of kindness on a daily basis, even if you are having a bad day. It will improve your mood and eventually you will start to feel your heart lighten.

Here is an article that has captured the top 10 random acts of kindness for 2012.

Top 10 Acts of Kindness for 2012 - 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6 ~ Pay It Forward

There are many, many stories of people doing some good deeds. If everyone takes the time to do 3 good deeds this year for random strangers, then it will affect them and they will in turn pay it forward. This leads to a multitude of people doing random good deeds.

Here is a beautiful story of a man giving up his home to a homeless family. I'm sure this will inspire others to do the same.

Tony Tolbert, Los Angeles Lawyer, Gives His House To Homeless Family  -

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 5 ~ Miracles

Miracles happen everyday and yet there are still people who just don't notice. We are shown stuff all the time but don't listen so what happens, we are shown it over and over until we really see it.

Here is a link to something I've seen several times but I am compelled to share with you. Whether you have seen it before or not, it is still a beautiful and a miracle.

Baby in womb reaches for doctor's hand -

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4 ~ Angel Messages

The other day I said how we all have angels and they are trying to talk to us. Most of us are not listening or don't know how to listen and communicate. One reason why we have not been taught is fear. Fear which has been brought down upon us from many different directions including our parents, teachers, religions, etc. We must individually get past all this so that we may learn for ourselves the TRUTH. Another reason why we have not been taught how to communicate with angels is because there are many different ways. Some people hear or have feelings, others see or visions, but however you communicate with your angels one thing is true, once you start listening, you will KNOW your TRUTH. Most people have many different ways they can communicate. Another way is with your dreams. Yes, some of your dreams are the brain's way of working out problems, but many of your dreams are messages from loved one, your angels, or your spirit guides.

With the following website, you can read about many different ways to communicate with angels and how easy it really is.

Angels Online -

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3 ~ Living

So easy it is for us to give in to the hate, sadness, anger, unforgiveness, revenge, and pain. All these emotions are killing us from the inside out. We all have them and if you didn't then you would not be true to yourself. What I am asking everyone to do is every day this year, I want you to wake up and give one negative emotion away. Just let it go like a balloon. It could be pain from when someone teased you at school or maybe you didn't get that promotion you needed at work. Maybe you lost a loved one or you just ended a relationship. Whatever it may be, there is nothing too small. Just visualize yourself writing the situation on a balloon and let it go. If you want, watch it disappear into the sky but by releasing it you will be healing your soul. We need to do this every day because there are some days where new situations arise that bring with them new negative feelings. In order to heal you need to constantly let go of the old stuff so you can learn to not hold on to the bad stuff.

The beginning of the following article is a bit different but if you get past the beginning, there are some pretty good step by step instructions to follow.

Seven steps to living the life you want

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2 ~ Angels

I feel that the message for today and really the year is to listen to you angels! They are trying to talk to you. The voice that you listen to which you call your intuition or your gut feeling is in fact your angels. Once you realize this, you will start hearing much more. Ask them to talk to you, ask them to guide you and ask them to comfort you.

In this article of positive messages I have found, we see that even the animals know to keep our kids safe.

Meet Sable, the feline crosswalk guard -

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1 ~ Welcome!

Today is the first day of this positive message blog. My goal is to include a positive message and to list something that has happened that is positive. The news and media concentrate on negativity which actually spreads more negativity but the world is full of beautiful, loving people and tons of positivity.

We need to take back this planet and spread the messages of love, helping, and positive influence. Even if I affect one person and that one person sees that the world isn't as bad as the news makes it then this blog would have done its job.

So the mission this year is to spread love.

Off-Duty State Trooper Delivers Own Baby